Monday, June 16, 2014

Rainbow Bandz and Loom Board Review

Today I received "Rainbow Bandz".  They are organic and latex free.  I received a Loom Board, tool, 24 clips, and 600 Silicone Loom Bandz.  This is how the box looks.

I opened it up and began to follow the step by step color instructions.  It was pretty easy for me to figure out and get the hang of it quick.  The only part that was hard for me to figure out was the ending where you had to reach the last bandz onto the furthest part on the Loom Board.  When I took it off to use a clip, it fell apart midway.  I will tell you why, and this is not covered in the instructions.  On EACH prong of the Loom Board, you need to make sure you are putting the next silicone bandz down far enough on the prong when you are laying your colors down on the Loom Board.  This is so that when you start looping and begin to pull the bandz out from under the other bandz to make the loops, they will catch and make loops.  It sounds confusing, so just remember when you're laying down the color bandz on the board, just put the bandz you are putting onto a prong down far on the prong and repeat with each bandz.  You should be okay then.  

The picture below is after I was done laying down both colors of the bandz and it was ready to start looping.

I already looped the first bandz here (the first black one).

Then the 2nd pink one, you pull it up from underneath the black one and over to the adjacent prong with the next black one on it.  

Then you just continue that pattern until the end.

When you're down looping, it should look something like this.  (I hope! haha)

This part, I was attaching a clip to the bandz and then pulled all the bandz off the board, then attached the clip to the other side of the bandz.

I made several!  Here is the one you see in the making of the bandz pictures above.

I made a tri color bandz bracelet! 

I really enjoyed making the bracelets.  I did the easy pattern, but did not try the harder ones.  This would probably be good for a tween or younger if you can supervise and help them along.  There were a lot of bandz and colors, so you probably wouldn't run out for awhile.  You can also take them apart REALLY easy to add back into your stock of bandz.  If I had all the time in the world, I would make one to match each outfit every day! HAHA!  I think this is a really fun product for adults too.  If you have toddlers around, make sure you watch the bandz very closely as they are extremely small and can be lost easily.  They have a choking hazard on the box for 3 and below.  

You can find the Rainbow Bandz at GETRAINBOWBANDZ.COM
They also have online instructions free.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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